First and foremost...

Welcome to my blog.

I will be the first to admit that I am not good at writing or keeping journals.  Training logs, nutrition logs, receipts, etc.....they all fall off the bandwagon.  My wife tells me that it is a lack of follow-through.  Maybe she is right.  I think it is probably boredom. That's why I am going to try to keep this interesting.  Nobody likes to be bored, right?

For those who watch the CBS show "The Big Band Theory," I am constantly referred to as the Sheldon of my circle of friends.  So for those who may not want to follow triathlon, it might be interesting to see if this turns into "Sheldon writes a triathlon blog."  Does anyone remember Fun with Flags?

But onto my story.  I started running in early 2010 after my wife had the crazy idea that she wanted to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  She did and of course I then joined her.  This was crazy talk for me.  Not because I was not athletic; I played pretty much every sport at some point  in my life and had gone to the varsity level in baseball and track in high school.  My sports were not really endurance sports at that point.  I pole vaulted in high school and I remember telling my track coach that the farthest I would run was the 62.5 feet down the runway to the vault.  And you know its only 90 feet between the bases in baseball.  The thought of running 3, 5, 10, 13.1 or, eek, 26.2 miles was threatening.

So in short, I did it and finished the 2010 Baltimore Half Marathon as my first.  My time was 2:03.  In 2011, my running culminated with the Marine Corps Marathon, finishing in 4:35.  Whew. That's a journey for another blog post.  After some time in running (5 marathons and a dozen or so half marathons later), a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) started to talk about triathlon.  We originally were just shooting our mouths off as we tend to do but then I actually registered for a triathlon. I registered for an Olympic becuase, well, I'm a man and macho and all that.  Ok, now laugh if you want.  So then I had to do it.

The training was hard and was mostly inside since winter isn't at all gentle to those trying to swim, bike or run outside.  This is all in between my skiing, of course.  So I can recount my race some other time.  In the end, I finished the Rocketman Florida Triathlon at the International + distance (+ because the bike was 10 miles longer than a normal Olympic).

I have a half-Iron distance event planned this fall and my ultimate goal is now an Ironman next year.  I hope to share my training experiences, tips, failures, and general insights through this blog.  I'm going to start at a minimum weekly to see how I like it.  Remember, this is like when Sheldon learned to drive. Feel free to leave me comments.


  1. 1) Hooray!
    2) I would like to request a video blog, a la Fun With Flags
    3) Pleeeease enable Name/URL commenting. ;)


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