Final Big Week

Last week, I posted about the mental games played through training.   Now less than a month away from my big A race, I have reached the peak of physical training as well.   This coming week is my peak week and my final big push before the race.  This will be a tough week physically.  My volume is the highest of any week so far and my endurance sessions (on the weekend) will be nearly as long as the event itself.   In addition, I still have to balance work and life activities.   

This week, I also started a Twitter account.   I'm using it primarily for triathlon and athletic type details as not to invade it with my other personal life.  From time to time, it might cross over but I'm trying not to turn my Facebook into Twitter and vice-versa.  We will see how this goes.  Usually, I am excited about these things and post frequently in the beginning and then it all goes downhill until I forget I even have an account.  I'm hoping I can be more diligent about it.   I had to use my full name because I tried all iterations of my shortened name but they were all taken.  Really?   That many people share my last name AND spell their first name with no "h".   Maybe I should have used my middle name.   

Follow me at: @JonathanTeter


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