Race Report: Baltimore Triathlon (Olympic)

Pre-Race Earlier this year, my wife and I signed up for this race. My wife grew up in the area around Hammerman beach at Gunpowder Falls State Park so it was a good local event. Unfortunately, due to being busy at work (I work in infectious disease epidemiology -- so just look at the news and you'll see why), I was not been able to train much in September. This week I focused on just doing swims. I'm still riding off of the Ironman fitness from the summer so I've been doing maintenance work but not really focusing on any training to build speed or specifics for the Olympic distance. I went to pick up my packet on Friday. The water at the swim course was choppy with whitecaps on the river. We were expecting storms overnight and rain in the morning. The forecast also called for coastal flooding and storm suge from the bay so I was nervous about what conditions would longer into the morning. Race Day We left home at 5am and arrived a...