Back to the Grind

This week I started back to training after taking basically three months off.   During that time, I needed the break mentally, physically and socially.  My wife and I transitioned jobs.  Oh and we moved nearly 1,000 miles to the sunny shores of the Tampa Bay.  Hello Florida.   Since we basically do most of our races here anyway, why not just move.  

With that, it became extremely hard to manage the work situation, moving and a full training schedule.  I could barely get in a run or find the motivation to train.  The unusually cold winter also made it more unappealing to be indoors on the trainer/treadmill for months at a time.  Because of the move, I didn't really sign up for any early season races.  So with no goals, bad weather and stressful moving, resistance was futile.  I just needed to stop.  

This year, my schedule is pretty light on races in quantity but does include some serious quality races that I need to not take lightly.  I start by ramping up training slowly and going from sprint to Olympic to Ironman in the later part of the year.  

Race Schedule 2015
June - Dunedin Sprint Tri 
August - USAT Age Group Nationals
October - Ironman Maryland
November - TriRock Clearwater
November - Space Coast Marathon

Training plans set and ready.  Last night was a reality check as my first swim since before Thanksgiving was more difficult than I thought.  Out of shape much?  Gained 10 pounds and lost about 3500m in endurance.  I'm actually looking forward to the heat and humidity of Florida.  My Achilles heel in racing is temperature and consistently training in it will help me perform better in the heat.  I usually end up picking flat courses with potential for high heat (see Challenge AC for my point) so this will hopefully be a benefit.  I am also looking forward to more bay and ocean open-water swims to get me away from my wetsuit crutch. 

I'm going to try to do a better job of blogging and social media this year. Hopefully you will hear more war stories as I once again do through Ironman training.


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