
Showing posts from June, 2017

Gear Review: 361 Degrees Volitation

As I previously said, I discovered 361 Degrees at the WDW Marathon Expo in January 2017.  I spent an unusual amount of time (for me) talking to the vendor.  Typically, I do not talk to anyone at all.  Ever.  My wife knew something had sparked my interest when I spent almost 10 minutes talking to the rep.  I bought these particular shoes from Go Run Miami through the Amazon Marketplace trying to find a less expensive version to try before committing to the brand.  I noticed the 361 Degrees brand is a bit pricy at MSRP.  Past experiences with gear taught me not to rush and buy the latest $500 gizmo lest I be disappointed or, worse, disappointed and broke.  First Impressions The first thing I noticed about the shoe is that is feels cheap.  It is not to say that the shoe isn't good but initially it felt like I was holding one of the bargin bin sneakers from Walmart.  The exterior was very stiff and the padding felt rough and rigid. Perhaps it was how stiff they were that caused the