Nutrition Nook: Infinit Nutrition
'I am a slow adopter of new things in most settings. Until just a few months ago, I had an iPhone 4 (not 4s, just 4) and I would probably have my 3s if it still would work. I also struggle with nutrition and fueling. Specifically, I have a hard time getting a proper fueling plan. This was the case when I was running and continued into triathlon. I took advice from what people had done for a long time in the sport and stuck to my ways. If I found something I liked (such as a particular brand of Gu), it would be pretty hard to get me to change. A brief history of my fueling. I started with sport beans, moved to Gu, moved to Honey Stinger gel and waffles, moved to Hammer gels and this is where I landed. I actually have been working for about a year with Hammer gels and Salt Stick electrolyte tablets. My problem came on the bike. The amount to carry and the stickiness from trying to eat the gels was causing me frust...